English speakers' Bilingual test-Phase 2(R2)
English speakers' Bilingual test-Phase 2(R2)
*Caution* This study is for Native English Speakers only. If your native language is not English speaker, we will not approve the compensation.
This research project consists of two phases, and this is Phase 2. In this phase, you will run two rapid response tasks. Before the tasks you will finish a "English proficiency test" that covers vocabulary knowledge, sentence comprehension, and text reading.
This phase will cost you approximately 30 minutes. When you finish all the tasks, you will receive the compensation stated in this webpage.
1. Open the link to survey link on desktop or laptop.
2. Read the consent form and approve your participation.
3. Before start the rapid response task, switch your web browser to full screen as the instruction on the screen.
4. Take the "endcode" (see 回報指示圖) back to this page. You will have at least 10 minutes to fill it in the cell on this page.

by Sau-Chin Chen
2024-11-26 12:00:00
2024-12-25 00:00:00
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